"Every process of change begins with self-knowledge"

At some point in life, we find ourselves lost, in a frustrating cycle, and even with focus, goodwill and knowing what has to be done, things seem to stagnate and nothing succeeds. It is at times like this that we need a professional to guide us - through methods, tools, knowledge - so that we can remain motivated to achieve goals, dreams and objectives, as is the case of Coaching and Mentoring.

So come with us!

Areas of expertise

Behavioral Analysis Specialist


The behavioral profile is a set of personal characteristics that help predict future attitudes towards different situations, basically a way of understanding how the person deals with different stimuli.

Behavioral Analysis Specialist

The behavioral profile is a set of personal characteristics that help predict future attitudes towards different situations, basically a way of understanding how the person deals with different stimuli.

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Life Coaching & Personal Coaching


Indicated for those who are willing to give a new direction to their trajectory and want to effectively take the reins of their life in all aspects, going beyond their limits and thought patterns. Be your best version!

Life Coaching & Personal Coaching

Indicated for those who are willing to give a new direction to their trajectory and want to effectively take the reins of their life in all aspects, going beyond their limits and thought patterns. Be your best version!

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Career Coaching


Focused on diving into their trajectory, career coaching helps coachees (clients) find the passion they lost in their careers or the courage to make a transition in their professional lives.

Career Coaching

Focused on diving into their trajectory, career coaching helps coachees (clients) find the passion they lost in their careers or the courage to make a transition in their professional lives.

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Business Coaching


Business coaching is a process that aims to increase organizational performance, based on personalized work aimed at understanding the human needs of the business in an area or team.

Business Coaching

Business coaching is a process that aims to increase organizational performance, based on personalized work aimed at understanding the human needs of the business in an area or team.

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Executive Coaching


Executive coaching is a structured and personalized process for entrepreneurs and executives, aiming at achieving success as a professional leader.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a structured and personalized process for entrepreneurs and executives, aiming at achieving success as a professional leader.

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With subjects related to the job market, function or company, the mentor helps the mentee to learn and grow in a committed relationship, where both have different levels of experience.


With subjects related to the job market, function or company, the mentor helps the mentee to learn and grow in a committed relationship, where both have different levels of experience.

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Professional psychoanalysis is for all those who want to delve deeper into understanding their own unconscious, helping to understand their emotions, internal conflicts, traumas, fears, unresolved issues from the past, anxiety, depression, phobias, stress, insomnia and other symptoms.


Professional psychoanalysis is for all those who want to delve deeper into understanding their own unconscious, helping to understand their emotions, internal conflicts, traumas, fears, unresolved issues from the past, anxiety, depression, phobias, stress, insomnia and other symptoms.

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Areas of expertise

Behavioral Analysis Specialist


The behavioral profile is a set of personal characteristics that help predict future attitudes towards different situations, basically a way of understanding how the person deals with different stimuli.

Behavioral Analysis Specialist

The behavioral profile is a set of personal characteristics that help predict future attitudes towards different situations, basically a way of understanding how the person deals with different stimuli.

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Life Coaching & Personal Coaching


Indicated for those who are willing to give a new direction to their trajectory and want to effectively take the reins of their life in all aspects, going beyond their limits and thought patterns. Be your best version!

Life Coaching & Personal Coaching

Indicated for those who are willing to give a new direction to their trajectory and want to effectively take the reins of their life in all aspects, going beyond their limits and thought patterns. Be your best version!

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Career Coaching


Focused on diving into their trajectory, career coaching helps coachees (clients) find the passion they lost in their careers or the courage to make a transition in their professional lives.

Career Coaching

Focused on diving into their trajectory, career coaching helps coachees (clients) find the passion they lost in their careers or the courage to make a transition in their professional lives.

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Business Coaching


Business coaching is a process that aims to increase organizational performance, based on personalized work aimed at understanding the human needs of the business in an area or team.

Business Coaching

Business coaching is a process that aims to increase organizational performance, based on personalized work aimed at understanding the human needs of the business in an area or team.

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Executive Coaching


Executive coaching is a structured and personalized process for entrepreneurs and executives, aiming at achieving success as a professional leader.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a structured and personalized process for entrepreneurs and executives, aiming at achieving success as a professional leader.

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With subjects related to the job market, function or company, the mentor helps the mentee to learn and grow in a committed relationship, where both have different levels of experience.


With subjects related to the job market, function or company, the mentor helps the mentee to learn and grow in a committed relationship, where both have different levels of experience.

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Professional psychoanalysis is for all those who want to delve deeper into understanding their own unconscious, helping to understand their emotions, internal conflicts, traumas, fears, unresolved issues from the past, anxiety, depression, phobias, stress, insomnia and other symptoms.


Professional psychoanalysis is for all those who want to delve deeper into understanding their own unconscious, helping to understand their emotions, internal conflicts, traumas, fears, unresolved issues from the past, anxiety, depression, phobias, stress, insomnia and other symptoms.

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It is the art of establishing agreements.

It is an expansion of perception about the world.

It is a process that aims to increase the performance of an individual, group or company, expanding positive results, through methodologies, tools and techniques conducted by a professional (coach) in synergistic and dynamic partnership with the client (coachee).


Mentoring, or in Portuguese mentoring, is a relationship between two people, where the mentee is guided by the mentor who will share his knowledge and experiences, guiding and advising in his development.

The objective of mentoring is to provide knowledge and exchange of ideas between the mentor and the mentee, stimulating their professional development through experience, techniques and tools.


Psychoanalysis is a theory and method of psychotherapeutic treatment developed by Sigmund Freud (1885 and 1939) – considered the “father of psychoanalysis”, which works deeply on the human unconscious, and continues to be developed by psychoanalysts around the world.

She focuses on exploring the unconscious mind and understanding mental processes, repressed desires, and trauma to resolve psychological conflicts and promote self-knowledge.

About me

Passionate about people and always willing to listen and help human beings to be better with themselves, and with various training, education and certifications, my purpose is to help and support people and companies to achieve their goals, objectives and dreams, assertively, planned and full.

Through scientifically validated techniques and tools, Coaching and Mentoring processes are an opportunity to work on self-knowledge, develop skills and abilities – technical, behavioral and emotional – and accelerate results.

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I write about self-development and much more.


Due to professional ethics, the names of coachees, patients and/or clients are preserved.

I loved it... thank you for helping me identify my profile with our session. It's helping me a lot to understand situations around me that bothered or demotivated me, and what I need to do to change that. Thanks
Dayse S.
About “Behavioral Analysis”
I did this Coaching process with Kelly and I loved it, I feel super determined, without ups and downs, every day that passes I feel like it was really worth it, and I'm recommending it to everyone, people really need a treatment (process) like this , Thanks!!
About “Coaching Process”
It's simply transformative. It made me understand a lot about myself and changed the way I see the people around me. Everyone should have an experience like this. In just one session I started to see through the lens...
J. S.
About “Behavioral Analysis”
I looked for Kelly to carry out a coaching process for my company and in the first session I already discovered that my company's problem was in me, so she worked on self-knowledge with me, because today I understand that only in this way could I truly see the people around me. It was transformative. It was liberating! I highly recommend it. An excellent professional, respectful, human, knows a lot, ethical and above all, a person who roots for our success.
About “Coaching Process”
I am very grateful for Kelly's professionalism for helping me in my career transition process. It was difficult, but without the tools, knowledge and support she brings, I wouldn't have managed it alone. It was a giant leap in a short space of time.
About “Coaching Process”

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You will have the opportunity to talk about your goals, difficulties and desires, whether personal or professional, clarify all your doubts, so I can have an overview of your search, and explain how I can help you in this personalized process.