Each person carries a unique baggage that is built throughout life, through learning, the environment in which they live and different cultures. The behavioral profile is a set of personal characteristics that help to predict future attitudes towards different situations, basically a way of understanding how the person deals with different stimuli.
In order for us to have a better clarity on the subject, since antiquity, man has sought to better understand human behavior. These forms are of the most varied and happen through reflections, observations and research.
Through behavioral analysis, we managed to translate a person’s personality at that moment, draw a balance of their hard and soft skills, how they react in routine situations (personal and professional), how they work as a team, how they deal with deadlines, demands and feedback.
The person starts to understand their behaviors, potentials, skills and weaknesses, and where to start dealing with all of this.
Understanding yourself in depth has transformative power.
Coaching assessment is a uniquely modern tool that allows you to draw behavioral profiles. It is an evolution of the traditional DISC model, a behavioral assessment methodology that aims to identify what are the current dominant profiles and behavioral patterns of a person in specific types of environments.
The analysis is done through a quick questionnaire, then it will be analyzed and we will schedule the session with the feedback, where we will know if your profile is more of an Analyst, Planner, Communicator or Executor and, with that , we found effective ways to enhance their professional and personal development.
When we apply the behavioral profile test, either in companies or individually, we bring many benefits, such as:
ɤ Self-knowledge
ɤ Perception and acceptance of the other
ɤ Communication
ɤ Leadership
ɤ Time management
ɤ Assertive training of teams
ɤ Teamwork
ɤ Emotional intelligence
ɤ Resilience
ɤ Understand and improve weaknesses
ɤ Highlight strengths
ɤ Change
Come chat with me and transform your life for good.