
With matters related to the labor market, function or company, the mentor helps the mentee to learn and grow in a committed relationship, where both have different levels of experience, helping to overcome your main difficulties, which are hindering your success.

Mentoring is a process in which an experienced professional (mentor) guides, advises and shares knowledge and experiences with a less experienced professional (mentee), usually in a specific area or sector. The mentor is someone who has experience, knowledge and skills relevant to the mentee’s career or field of interest and provides guidance, feedback and support to help develop their skills and achieve their professional goals more efficiently and effectively. .

The mentoring process can be formal or informal and can take place in a variety of settings, such as in companies, universities or non-profit organizations.

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You will have the opportunity to talk about your goals, difficulties and desires, whether personal or professional, clarify all your doubts, so I can have an overview of your search, and explain how I can help you in this personalized process.