
Psychoanalysis is recommended for all those who want to delve deeper into understanding their own unconscious.

The analysis allows the patient to understand that the origin of most of their problems often lies in content that was repressed in the past.


Psychoanalysis is a theory and method of psychotherapeutic treatment developed by Sigmund Freud (1885 and 1939) – considered the “father of psychoanalysis”, which works deeply on the human unconscious, and continues to be developed by psychoanalysts around the world.

She focuses on exploring the unconscious mind and understanding mental processes, repressed desires, and trauma to resolve psychological conflicts and promote self-knowledge.

The treatment guides people to solve various existential problems involving crises, conflicts, traumas, fears, anxieties, relationships, compulsions, obsessions and others, rescuing the meaning of life.

According to Freud, psychoanalysis helps to release the ties that bind people and prevent them from achieving their goals.


Teenagers (from 11 years old), Young people, Adults, Elderly, Couples.

​Throughout Brazil and for Brazilians living abroad.


  • Experience a moment of stress, anxiety, panic, burnout, fears or depression.
  • You feel distress or have difficulty dealing with your emotions.
  • Experiences issues related to sexuality or affectivity.
  • You have insomnia or physical symptoms.
  • Feel the impact of repressed or traumatic experiences.
  • Experience conflicts related to gender identity, stress in the workplace, racial discrimination, abusive relationships, and others.
  • Go through the pain of grief or loss (relationship, friendship).
  • Difficulty making decisions or imposing yourself on people.
  • Involuntarily repeats choices, relationships and situations that generate suffering.
  • Difficulty saying “no”.

Do you have any of the symptoms or complaints below? So it’s time for us to talk!

  • Traumas and Beliefs
  • Low self-esteem
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Obsessive Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Anguish
  • Grief, Losses
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Deep sadness
  • Recurring Discouragement
  • Fears, Phobias and Panics
  • Social phobia
  • Constant Mood Variation
  • Interpersonal Conflicts Within the Family or at Work
  • End of Relationship
  • Relationship with Children and/or Spouse
  • Concentration Problems
  • Frequent crying spells
  • Recurring Negative Thoughts
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Misuse of Alcohol, Drugs and Other Addictions
  • Irritability
  • Emotional Lack of Control
  • Compulsive Manias

Psychoanalysis helps to improve self-esteem, self-love, elaboration of feelings, give new meaning to limiting beliefs, set and achieve new goals.

Let’s talk!


Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy are for those who feel trapped in recurring psychic problems that impede their potential to experience happiness with themselves and others, as well as success and satisfaction in their work and normal tasks of daily life.

Psychic suffering can affect physical (somatic) and mental health, generating anxiety, insomnia, depression, euphoria, compulsions, addictions, manias, mood swings, eating disorders, feelings of emptiness, difficulty in relationships, processing grief, and so on. other questions. The roots of these problems often run deeper than awareness can reach, which is why they cannot be resolved without psychotherapy. It is with the help of a trained analyst that the patient can obtain new knowledge (insights) about the unconscious parts of these disorders.

Talking to a psychoanalyst in a safe atmosphere will lead the patient to become increasingly aware of parts of their previously unknown internal world (thoughts, feelings, memories and dreams), thereby relieving psychic pain, promoting personality development and offering a self-awareness that will strengthen the patient’s confidence to pursue their goals in life. These positive effects of psychoanalysis should last and lead to new developments even after the analysis has ended.


Everyone needs to tell their experiences to try to understand the enigmas that inhabit us and that are linked to the unconscious aspects of our psyche. In this way, treatment with a psychoanalyst contributes to well-being, promoting emotional balance, reducing psychological suffering, physical and emotional symptoms. When the patient understands that they can overcome the barriers of their own unconscious and commits to the treatment, the feeling throughout the sessions is one of freedom.

Does it make sense to you?


In my consultations, I offer a safe and welcoming listening space. Clinical work is guided by the professional ethics of psychoanalysis, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the content covered in all consultations.


It is carried out at a previously scheduled time, in an appropriate room to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the person served.


Online psychoanalytic care is a reality today and is completely effective. It makes it possible to maintain the work methodology of an in-person analysis, but without the restriction that the person must attend the service location.

It is possible to serve people from anywhere in Brazil or living abroad, via video conferencing via WhatsApp or Google Meet.

Guidelines for online services

  • Find a private and comfortable place that guarantees your privacy.
  • Set aside other activities and communications during the session.
  • Use a smartphone or computer with a good internet connection.
  • The use of video cameras is essential.
  • Headphones can improve call quality and preserve session confidentiality.
  • Duration time: 50 minutes.
  • The amount of fees and payment method will be agreed upon when the treatment begins.

Fill out the form and schedule your free test session

You will have the opportunity to talk about your goals, difficulties and desires, whether personal or professional, clarify all your doubts, so I can have an overview of your search, and explain how I can help you in this personalized process.